General Terms & Condition
All guests must be at least 18 Years of age to check-in at the Hotel.
Guests must present valid photo identification at the time of check-in. According to government regulations, a valid Photo ID has to be carried by every person staying at the Hotel.
The identification proofs accepted are Passport, Aadhar Card, Driving License and Voter ID card. PAN Card is not accepted as a valid ID Card.
Bilberry Hotel is committed to a Corporate, Travelers and Family Friendly environment. Not specific for couple oriented.
Advance taken at the time of reservations is strictly non-refundable.
Prepayment is mandatory at the property during Check-In
Non-resident guests are not allowed inside the rooms. In case you want to invite someone, you can meet with them in the common areas.
In case of 3 or 4 people looking for staying together, please note that we do not guarantee accommodation in the same room.
Guest are responsible for their own personal belongings.
Breakfast can be inclusive of the room rate cited. Its need to cleared during the check-in process.
Should any action by a guest be deemed inappropriate by the Hotel, or if any inappropriate behaviour is brought to the attention of the hotel, then the hotel reserves the right, after the allegations have been investigated, to take action against the guest.
Certain policies are booking specific and they are notified at the time of booking.
Any modification request will not be entertained if not intimated 7 days before the arrival.
In the case of Group Booking, If the group behaviour is deemed unfit at the property, the Zostel Property Manager, upon subjective evaluation, retains the full right to take the required action, resulting in an on-spot cancellation without refunds.
The hotel is not responsible for the safety of any value left in the Room.
In case of misplaced or lost keys of room/s, there is an additional charge for Rs. 350 will be charged.
An extra Adult/Bedding will be going to additional charges of Rs. 300 + GST.
Registered guests will be held responsible for any missing or damaged items in their hotel room or any internal/external areas of the Hotel. This liability can be extended to both registered guests and their visitors.
Guests found in the act of or with evidence of smoking while on Hotel premises will incur an Rs. 1000 fine per occurrence, except for smoking in designated smoking areas.
Please make sure your door is locked when you leave their room/s.
Please refrain from using any electrical appliances such as heaters, cooking appliances or irons in rooms that could cause a fire.
We reject the use of our hotel by members of any gang or extremists. Even after a reservation has been made or during a Guest's stay, if the Guest is found to be a member of a gang or an extremist, the Guest will be asked to leave the Hotel immediately.
Please show your room key to the cashier when you sign bills at restaurants in the Hotel.
You are reminded that unauthorized publication for business purposes of photographs taken on the premises of the Hotel may be subject to legal action.
Please do not remove or alter any equipment or fixtures of the Hotel.
All disputes are subject to the jurisdiction of Rewari Courts only.
Bilberry Hotel reserves the right to admission.
I have gone through the Terms and Conditions governing my stay in the Hotel and agree to abide by them.
Animals or birds of any kind, except service dogs;
Gunpowder, oils or other explosives or inflammable;
Objects of an unusually large size or in unusually large quantities;
Illegal drugs or other articles, the possession of which is prohibited by the laws
Objects emitting a foul odour.
Extension of the stay would be provided on current room rates and are subject to availability.
Current room rates may be different from the rates at which the rooms were booked.
The advance taken at the time of reservation is always non-refundable.
Pre-payment of the balance amount is necessary at the time of check-in. We have a 3 day cancellation policy (i.e. 72 hours from the standard check-in time 12 noon). Your pre-payment of balance is eligible for a refund only if we are informed 72 hours in advance. Failure to inform us within this time will result in cancellation charges.
Standard Check-In time is 2 noon
Standard Check-Out time is 12 AM
Early Check-In and Late Check-Out is subject to availability and discretion of the property.
Early Check-In and Late Check-Out can be subject to extra charges on availability.
Above policies will be applicable unless otherwise specified on the individual destination's booking page